CONGRATULATIONS on your new pet guinea pig! Guine pigs are ideal small pets for young and old. Here is a simple guide with some facts and instructions on how to care properly for your guinea pig.

LIFE SPAN: Between 4 – 8 years.

NATURE: Guinea pigs are normally calm and timid animals. They scare easily and need to be in a safe environment to feel comfortable. They are social and don’t mind living in groups.

DIET: A special mixture of pellets, maize, lucerne and other treats. You can also give your guinea pig some fruit or vegetables with the guinea pig mix. As well as fresh water to drink. They can also have various treats occasionally like Timothy Hay and herbs.

HABITAT: Guinea pigs need a suitable size cage with clean hay or paper bedding to keep the cage dry. They will need a hide or wooden box, as well as a bowl for food and water. Water bottles are preferable as they tend to tip bowls over. They can also be kept in enclosures outside, provided they have shelter from the rain or cold.

CARE: Guinea pig cages should be cleaned weekly to avoid the smell and accumulation of decaying food. Fresh hay bedding should be used and the cage should be rinsed with a weak bleach and water or F10 solution. Clean food and water should be available at all times.

When handling your Guinea pig be gentle and calm.

Bathing is not recommended as they don’t tolerate water too well, they are generally very clean animals and prefer to groom themselves. A bowl of bath sand can be placed in the cage for the guinea pig to roll around in. Karbadust is suitable to use on your guinea pig should it be itching from mites or fleas.



If at any time your guinea pig looks unwell or is not eating or drinking, a vet can assist you in diagnosing what could be the problem. They are in general quite easy to keep and take care of.


Enjoy your new pet and be kind!

~Author:  Chene Bush