Internal parasites (such as Nematodes) need to be controlled in your aquarium or pond fish. Nemarid will assist in the eradication of these worms in your fish. Your fish will appear healthier, colours will be enhanced, growth will be accelerated and breeding habits will be encouraged.
Often bloat (abnormally fat fish) appears as a result of highlevels of internal parasite infestation. Red Nematodes can sometimes be seen protuding from the anal vent of the fish. Deworm your fish once every three months.
Dampen flake, powder food or pellet food with Robalon nemaRid once a day for 3 days. Return to normal feed. Repeat after seven days
William –
Awesome Stuff
I had a outbreak of Camallanus worms in my one guppy tank. This combined with the Aqua-Dox food cleared it up in 2 days with my fish super active and their appetites are back to normal.
Andrew Robertson (verified owner) –
your price label was stuck over the instructions. it took some careful sticker removal tactics so i could see how to apply the product. i didn’t want to kill my fish guessing. If you are sending the product via courier, you don’t need a price sticker do you?